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Development of axonal connections between cat primary visual area 17 and visual mo tion processing center was studied to investigate cortico-cortical connection plasticity in ontogenesis as affected by an experimental modification of visu al environment (flickering light stimulation). By using a retrograde axonal labeling by horseradish peroxidase, a distribution of initial neurons in area 17 that s end afferent projections to PMLS (posterior medial part of lateral suprasylvian sulcus) was analyzed. Sixteen 5-week-old and 12-14-week-old kittens, than were reared in normal visual e nvironment or were subjected to a flickering light of 15 Hz frequency, were examined. It was shown that session stimulation by flickering light led to an impairment of normal development of regular organization of the connections between these visual ar eas including the decrease of labeled surface area and labeled initial neuron density in area 17. The data obtained elucidate the structural bases of cortical mechanisms that underlie moti on processing disturbances in kittens stimulated by a flickering light.


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