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Right ventricular papillary muscles (PMs) were studied with the help of stereomicroscope in 94 heart specimens of human fetuses at gestational weeks 16-28. Three topographic groups of PMs were found in the right ventricle: anterior, posterior and septal, the latter group comprising anteroseptal and posteroseptal PMs. Data on the incidence of PMs, their sizes and tendinous cord distribution are presented. It was shown that PMs of different topographic groups had unique anatomical features. Anterior PMs were mainly free large muscles with solid base, one to three apices and the largest amount of apical tendinous cords. Posterior PMs were characterized by monolithic or, less commonly, split base, while the number of their apices, as a rule, did not exceed two. The height and width of posterior PMs were relatively smaller than those of the anterior PMs but exceeded the same dimensions of the septal muscles. Typically, the septal wall of the right ventricle had little monoapical muscles with the solid base, both free and fixed. The terminological uncertainty in the description of PMs is emphasized as one of the possible reasons for the discrepancy of the results obtained by different researchers.




A. Yakimov

Ural State Medical University



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