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The purpose of this study was to detect morphological characteristics of the rat thymus after percutaneous blood irradiation with laser different wavelengths s and otherwise normal conditions. Thymus structure and cytoarchitectonics were studied in 50 male Wistar rats by histological methods after percutaneous exposure of blood to low power laser irradiation of the femoral vein projection with wavelengths of 337, 488, 632.8 and 950 nm. The results have shown that low power laser percutaneous irradiation of the blood caused the changes of thymus structure and cytoarchitectonics, however their degree depended on laser wavelength. An increment in laser wavelength resulted in the increased number of immature lymphoid cells and the reduced number of epithelio-reticular cells in different structural-functional zones of the thymus. Possible mechanisms of laser irradiation effect on the thymus are discussed.




V. Astashov

Russian University of Peoples’ Friendship


V. Kozlov

Russian University of Peoples’ Friendship


Yu. Borodin

Institute of Clinical and Experimental Lymphology

Yu. Antsyreva

Institute of Clinical and Experimental Lymphology


O. Zayko

Russian University of Peoples’ Friendship



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