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Objective. To study the cytoarchitectonic structure of hippocampus in left and right hemisphere of male brain. Materials and methods. Serial total frontal sections of the hemispheres of the brain of 4 men aged 19-30 years were studied. The sections were stained with cresyl violet according to the Nissl method and were studied using the image analysis program. Results. The peculiarities of profile field of pyramidal neurons in CA1 area, as well as density of neurons and glia in the left and right hemispheres of male brain were detected. The size of profile field of pyramidal neurons in hippocampus CA1area was larger, and their density was less in the right hemisphere than in the left one. CA1 area in right hemisphere was characterized by larger density of total glia and higher satellite glia to total gliocyte number ratio. Conclusions. Gender-related differences of structural organization in hippocampus of male brain may be associated with the peculiarities of memory in males.




I. Bogolepova

Scientific Center of Neurology

Laboratory of Brain Anatomy and Architectonics, Department of Brain Research 80 Volokolamskoye Highway, Moscow 125367

S. Illarioshkin

Scientific Center of Neurology

Laboratory of Brain Anatomy and Architectonics, Department of Brain Research 80 Volokolamskoye Highway, Moscow 125367

A. Sveshnikov

Scientific Center of Neurology

Laboratory of Brain Anatomy and Architectonics, Department of Brain Research 80 Volokolamskoye Highway, Moscow 125367

A. Lovchitskaya

Scientific Center of Neurology

Laboratory of Brain Anatomy and Architectonics, Department of Brain Research 80 Volokolamskoye Highway, Moscow 125367


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