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Objective - to study the structure of the walls of the veins of the lower extremities in people of different age groups. Materials and methods. The structure of the walls of the veins of the lower extremities was examined in 27 people aged 25 to 92 years, divided into 5 age groups. The work carried out on autopsy material (54 fragments of the femoral vein and the great saphenous vein). Volume density of the venous wall tunics and their components was measured. Results. Maximum development of the elastic network, as well as longitudinally oriented smooth muscle cells of tunica media was observed in individuals of the second mature and elderly age. The lowest values of the volume fractions of the structures of the wall of the femoral and great saphenous veins as well as local differences in wall thickness were detected in the elderly and long-lived persons. Conclusions. In different periods of human life, the maximum development of the elastic network, as well as longitudinally oriented smooth muscle cells of the media group of the second mature and elderly age.




Kh. Abduvosidov

A. I. Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry

Department of Human Anatomy 20/1 Delegatskya St, Moscow 127473

Ye. Makeyeva

A. I. Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry

Department of Human Anatomy 20/1 Delegatskya St, Moscow 127473

L. Kolesnikov

A. I. Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry

Department of Human Anatomy 20/1 Delegatskya St, Moscow 127473


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