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The effect of an original sulfated glycosaminoglycan (sGAG) mixture (keratan sulfate with chondroitin sulfate) was examined in the in vitro experiment with the cell culture of murine fibroblasts (cell line L929).Two forms (solution and gel) of the active substance were tested in different concentrations (0.1-5.0%). The growth dynamics of fibroblasts in culture was traced for the periods up to 144 h using the automated digital immersion confocal microscope. The study of the original sGAG mixture demonstrated the bimodal effect: low concentrations (0.1-0.5%) stimulated the proliferation of fibroblasts, while high concentrations (1-5%) possessed an antiproliferative effect. Changes of the form (solution or gel) had no effect on the functional properties of the mixture. High sGAG concentrations (3-5.0%), along with the antiproliferative effect, had a hidden weak cytotoxic action (a delayed effect).


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