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The aim of this research was to characterize the peculiar features of architectonics and microtopography of prostatic muscular tissue elements in men of the first period of mature age (22-35 years) which is the time of the highest functional activity of the organ. Histological and morphometric methods were used to study 22 specimens of human prostate . The sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin, van Gieson's stain, Heidenhain's azocarmine; elastic fibers were demonstrated using Hart's fuchseline method. In the inferior-posterior, inferiorlateral and superior-medial and anterior-medial prostatic lobules, the thickness of smooth muscle cell (SMC) bundles and their layers were measured together with the intervals between the layers, the orientation and elastic fiber thickness were assessed. The peculiar feature of the muscular tissue in the anterior-medial prostatic lobules was its relatively distant location in respect to the glands. SMC bundles in the inferior-posterior and inferiorlateral lobules were closely adjacent to the secretory portions of prostatic glands. In the prostate of men in the I period of the mature age, the amount and an the orientation of a muscular fabric provide complete and uniform evacuation of a secretion from prostatic glands. The changes observed during this period, are directed only to the maintenance of the high level of functional activity of the organ.


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