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This investigation was aimed at the histological study of anterior corneal epithelium (ACE) of adult male ostrich Struthio camelus Linnaeus, 1758 (Struthioniformes). The total thickness of ACE was equal to 48.5±1.1 μm. The geometry of epithelial cells was investigated. The basal cells had columnar shape; their average height was equal to 21.4±1.8 μm, average width — to 5.94±0,45 μm, configuration index was 3.84±0,50. The intermediate cells were predominantly ellipsoidal in shape; their average height was equal to 6.2±0.3 μm, average width — to 12.0±0.8 μm, configuration index was 0.54±0,06. The superficial cells were squamous, their average height was equal to 3.8±0.3 μm, average width — to 22.4±1.7 μm, configuration index was 0.18±0.02. Index of flattening of epithelial cells of the superficial layer was 5.8±0.5. Negative correlation (r±m=–0,72±0,13) was detected between the height and the width of the epithelial cells.




A. Kiladze

RAS A. N. Severtzov Institute of the Problems of Ecology and Evolution



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