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To establish the peculiarities of structural remodeling of the brain and to identify quantitative relationships between its tissue components in norm and in chronic ethanol intoxication (CEI), various parts of this organ were studied in 30 alcoholic men aged 20 to 50 years at the 1 st day after their death. The control group consisted of 15 men. A complex of histological, histochemical, stereometric and morphometric methods was used. It was shown that in CEI, the development of sclerosis and hyalinosis of vascular branches, as well as dystrophic, atrophic and hypertrophic changes of neurons took place in the brain. In addition, in places of necrotic foci, the appearance of calcifications and cysts was noted, together with the formation of demyelination foci and the development of diffuse microgliosis of the brain. All these changes were accompanied by the disruption of the quantitative relationship between tissue structures forming the brain. This was accompanied by the reduction of specific area of neurons due to their progressive atrophy and death. At the same time, the indices characterizing the development of the glial component were increased.




N. Shormanova

Yaroslavl’ State Medical Academy


S. Shormanov

Yaroslavl’ State Medical Academy



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