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Most accurately, the prechordal plate (PCP) can be defined as the zone of close contact of cells of endodermal epithelium and mesenchyme in the region between the oropharyngeal membrane and the notochord. This structure is involved in the induction of the anterior parts of the brain and, in particular, the pituitary gland, as well as in the formation of some of eye muscles and bones of the skull base (chordal chondrocranium). Further studies are needed to clarify PCP involvement in the development of pharynx, esophagus, and their derivatives, as well as to determine the source and the mechanisms of development of PCP mesenchymal cells. The term «prechordal plate» should not be confused with the Spemann’s organizer, head organizer, oropharyngeal membrane, mesendoderm, head process and the prechordal mesoderm, which is common in the scientific literature. The term «myoepicardial plate» falsely indicates the common origin of myocardium and epicardium, thus its usage should be avoided.




V. Korolyov

S. I. Georgievskiy Crimea State Medical University

Department of Medical Biology

O. Pototskaya

Dnepropetrovsk State Medical Academy

Department of Histology


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