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The aim of this study was to establish gender-associated differences in dendroarchitectonics of neurons in dorsomedial nucleus of amygdala and the role of androgens in their formation during the period of sexual differentiation of the brain. Using Golgi method, it was demonstrated that the quantitative characteristics of long-axon sparsely branched neurons of all classes - neuroblastoform, short-dendrite and reticular - reflected the influence of gender. Specifically, it was detected that long-axon sparsely branched neurons had more branching primary dendrites and greater total dendrite length in adult males as compared to females. In adult females, androgenized neonatally by injection of 1250 mg of testosterone propionate on their postnatal day 5, the neuronal characteristics were different from those in normal females, and these differences were even more pronounced in comparison with males.



Bashkir State University, Ufa

Bashkir State University, Ufa


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