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Epitheliocytes of choroid plexus vili of lateral (glomus), III and IV (lateral portion) brain ventricles were studied in humans aged 22 to 89 years. Height, width and profile area of the cells, as well as nuclear and cytoplasmic profile areas were measured and nucleo-cytoplasmic indexes were calculated. The shape of epitheliocytes was found to be variable and to be associated with their location on the vilus surface. Epitheliocyte height, cytoplasmic and cell profile area were maximal in the choroid plexus of lateral ventricle, nuclear profile area and epitheliocyte nucleo-cytoplasmic index - in the choroid plexus of IV ventricle. These differences in epitheliocyte parameters are thought to be associated with the peculiarities of their functioning. In the process of aging, the dimensions of epitheliocytes and their nuclei were found to decrease, while the nucleo-cytoplasmic index was reduced, reflecting the development of adaptational remodeling.


T Babik


T Babik

Chelyabinsk State Medical Academy

; Chelyabinsk State Medical Academy


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