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The ultrastructure of macrophages detected in rats after subcutaneous implantation of the dispersed allogenic Alloplant biomaterial was studied. It was found that with the Alloplant biomaterial implantation the conditions were created promoting the concentration and complete maturation of different macrophage subpopulations. Their functional activity and interaction with other cellular populations result in complete regeneration of the connective tissue. The data obtained confirm the concept of main regulatory role of macrophages in the intercellular interactions during tissue repair and support the hypothesis of bicomponent mechanism of collagen fiber formation in the place of the Alloplant biomaterial implantation.


L Musina

Email: morphoplant@mail.ru

S Muslimov

A Lebedeva

E Volgareva

L Musina

Russian State Center of Eye and Plastic Surgery

; Russian State Center of Eye and Plastic Surgery

S Muslimov

Russian State Center of Eye and Plastic Surgery

; Russian State Center of Eye and Plastic Surgery

A Lebedeva

Russian State Center of Eye and Plastic Surgery

; Russian State Center of Eye and Plastic Surgery

Ye Volgareva

Russian State Center of Eye and Plastic Surgery

; Russian State Center of Eye and Plastic Surgery


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