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The dynamics of the processes of proliferation and apoptosis in the epithelium of the bulbourethral glands in men aged 17-90 years was studied using monoclonal antibodies against PCNA and p53. Higher levels of cell reproduction and cell death were noted in the glandular duct epithelium as compared to those in secretory portions. Age-related increase in apoptosis which correlated with the activation of the glandular cell proliferation was shown. In old men, apoptosis in the bulbourethral glands was accompanied by the tendency to reduced cell proliferation. The correlation between the processes of cell reproduction and cell death in the epithelium of the bulbourethral glands, as well as their dependence on blood androgen levels, are discussed.


T Boronikhina

A Yatskovskiy

T Boronikhina

I.M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy

; I.M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy

A Yatskovskiy

I.M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy

; I.M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy


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