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In reply to the article of an opponent, the author presents new personally obtained data on the similarity of some brain neurons possessing asynaptic dendrites and innervating the perivascular space, pia mater (from inside), or having the direct contact with the ventricular cerebrospinal fluid, to the local autonomic Dogiel's II type neurons of the viscera. Author also demonstrates personal electron micrographs showing the terminals of asynaptic dendrites of brain neurons which are not different in any aspect of their ultrastructure from the terminals of visceral receptors. The facts are presented, that, in author's opinion, refute the opponent's conceptions on the impossibility of the various receptor functions of the cilia in general, and in ciliated neurons, in particular, on the development of sensory neurons from the neural crest only, and on the impossibility of the sensory innervation of the brain tissues, in principle.


O Sotnikov

O Sotnikov

RAS I.P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology

; RAS I.P. Pavlov Institute of Physiology


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