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The distribution of SP-positive structures in the thymus and their connection with the antigen presenting cells (MHC-II-expressing) were studied under normal conditions and in male sex hormones deficiency (gonadectomy). Indirect immunohisto-chemical immunofuorescence method with the antibodies against Major Histocompatibility Complex class II proteins (MHC-II, antigen presenting cell marker) and against substance P (SP) was used. The population of antigen presenting cells (expressing MHC-II) and SP-positive structures of the thymus were found to form contacts. Gonadectomy resulted in the increased numbers of antigen presenting cells both in thymic medulla and cortex of thymus and in the decrease of SP-positive cell number in all the zones of thymic lobules. The results of this study demonstrate the existence of close cooperation between endocrine, neuropeptide and immunocompetent systems.


I Sarilova

V Sergeeva

T Smirnova

I Sarilova

Chuvash State University

Email: Cheboksary
; Chuvash State University

V Sergeyeva

Chuvash State University

; Chuvash State University

T Smirnova

Chuvash State University

; Chuvash State University


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