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Using the standard cryodestruction model, the peculiarities of reparative regeneration were studied in cat thoracic duct endothelium.
Material was collected 12 hours, 1, 2 and 3 days after the injury and was analyzed using scanning electron microscopy. The restoration of the endothelial layer was shown to be completed
by day 3 due to cell migration and proliferation at the margin
of cryodestruction zone. The degree of tissue regeneration was evaluated using the topological and informational parameters.
The results demonstrated the imperfect completion of regeneration
process by day 3; the borderline state of the cellular system
was detected together with the possibility of the disturbance of endothelial lining reorganization process. Thus, the informational
parameters may be used as the complementary criteria for the assessment of the processes, cellular system state and functioning.


I Sesorova

Email: irina-s3@yandex.ru

T Lazorenko

I Sesorova

Ivanovo State Medical Academy

Ivanovo State Medical Academy

T Lazorenko

Ivanovo State Medical Academy

Ivanovo State Medical Academy


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