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The aim of this study was to determine the effect of starvation
on all the tunics of duodenum and rectum wall. The animals were
20 outbred albino rats; the control group comprised 4 animals.
The animals were starved while the drinking regime remained
unchanged. Material was obtained at days 3 and 6 of starvation
and was studied using electron microscopy. The changes were
detected in the structure of mucosa, submucosa, tunica muscularis
and serosa. These structural changes were of similar nature
in all the tunics and differed only by the degree of their severity.
The most pronounced changes were observed in all the epithelial
cell types (absorbing, goblet and endocrine) in both parts of the intestine. These included cell flattening, microvilli reduction and deformation, mucus production disturbances, destructive changes
in the mitochondria (swelling, cristae reduction, vacuoles and myelin-like structures formation, disruption of both mitochondrial


V Ivanova

A Puzyrev

S Kostyukevich

R Dray

V Ivanova

I.I. Mechnikov State Medical Academy

I.I. Mechnikov State Medical Academy

A Puzyriov

I.I. Mechnikov State Medical Academy

I.I. Mechnikov State Medical Academy

S Kostiukevitch

I.I. Mechnikov State Medical Academy

I.I. Mechnikov State Medical Academy

R Drai

I.I. Mechnikov State Medical Academy

I.I. Mechnikov State Medical Academy


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