Morphometric characteristics of lumbar vertebra of anadult person and the feasibility of their body volume prediction in percutaneous vertebroplasty



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Using the material obtained from 96 human corpses (480 skeletal vertebra), the linear parameters of vertebra were studied. The research objective was to study morphometric characteristics of lumbar vertebra of an adult person taking into consideration the individual and sexual variability, and to estimate the feasibility of calculation of a vertebra body volume with reference to percutaneous vertebroplasty. The results of research have demonstrated the general patterns of modification of linear and volumetric parameters of LI-LV, vertebra; it was shown that the values of linear parameters for the male samples were bigger than those for the female samples. The length of an axis of operational action, the linear and angular sizes of pedicles of vertebral arch were independent on gender factor, but, as a rule, gradually changed from LI to LV,. On the basis of comparison of the calculated and measured volumes of lumbar vertebra bodies, it is concluded that the mathematical model proposed by us has sufficiently high accuracy.









Military Medical Academy

; Military Medical Academy


Military Medical Academy

; Military Medical Academy


Military Medical Academy

; Military Medical Academy


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