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The module organization of neurons was studied in ventral posterior medial (VPM) and ventral posterior lateral (VPL) relay nuclei of thalamic sensory systems in adult man. Material, obtained from individuals aged 48-70 years, was fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde, sectioned at 40 μm and stained using Kluver-Barrer's method. The following parameters were determined: the numbers of neurons forming group and chain modules, profile field areas (PFA) of cell bodies of neurons forming modules, total number of satellite gliocytes and identified gliocytes (oligodendrocytes and astrocytes) in the module. Neuronal PFA was measured using digitizer on exact drawings of the cells made with the drawing device (at magnification of 1025). The data obtained were fed into the computer and processed using the program of non-parametric data analysis. Neurons, forming group and chain modules, were of medium size (201 to 350 μm2) in both nuclei. Most of group and chain modules in human VPM and VPL thalamic nuclei consisted of 3-4 cells. In VPM nucleus, a single group module includes 8.4 satellite gliocytes, and a chain module - 8.6 gliocytes. In VPL nucleus these parameters are equal to 7.7 and 8.2, respectively. Oligodendrocyte number in the modules in VPM and VPL thalamic nuclei is 3 times greater than that of the astrocytes.


S Yur'eva

S Yurieva


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