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The retinomotor response of the masu salmon Oncorhynchus masou fry retina was studied under the conditions of mesopic (twilight) illumination after experimental geomagnetic field (GMF) compensation which was reached using the Helmholtz coils. In the control group, the retinomotor response of masu salmon fry to twilight illumination was usual: the nuclei of the neurosensory rod cells were located immediately above the external limiting layer, while the nuclei of the neurosensory cone cells were displaced closer to the pigment epithelium. After experimental GMF compensation, the masu salmon fry retina reaction was unusual: the neurosensory cone cell nuclei adhered to the external limiting membrane, while the nuclei of the neurosensory rod cells were displaced closer to the pigment epithelium layer. Double and central neurosensory cone cells occupied the position that was inadequate to normal reaction to twilight: the bodies of these cells were considerably elongated, and the external segments reached the pigment epithelium layer. Thus, in the experiment with GMF compensation, we have found the unusual structure of the retina, which only vaguely corresponded to a reaction to mesopic adaptation. The results suggest, that the visible light is not a unique variety of the electromagnetic field, that could be perceived by the fish retina.


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