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Profile field areas (PFA) were studied in 100 neurons in the anterior dorsal (ADN) and reticular nuclei (RN) of the thalamus in the left and right cerebral hemispheres of five women (10 hemispheres) aged from 19 to 33 years, using 20 μm-thick sections stained with Nissl's cresyl violet. Morphometric method using Image Scope Color «Leica DM 2500» program-device complex (Germany) was applied. «Statistica 6.0» (Wilcoxon matched pairs test) was used for the analysis of the data obtained. Greater variability of neuronal maximal PFA was detected in both nuclei in the right hemisphere. PFA average value was greater in RN than in ADN, and this difference was more significant in the left hemisphere in all women. The variability of average PFA value was greater in RN than in ADN, however in both nuclei it was greater on the right than on the left. Neuronal PFA variability was more expressed than its interhemispheric asymmetry.


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