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Using the method of 3D reconstruction, the structural correlates of significantly increased functional activity of denervated Mauthner neuron (MN) were studied after the unilateral eye enucleation, that resulted in the irreversible shift of the goldfish motor asymmetry to a «blind» side. It was established that in some cases the functional dominance of MN was significantly correlated with the reduction of the volume of its ventral dendrite, while in the other cases it was correlated with the increase in sizes of its soma and the lateral dendrite. Both structural features, probably, were caused by local redistribution of the neurotransmitters due to the stress of sensory inputs that remained undamaged. Thus, it was demonstrated that the prolonged adaptive changes in goldfish behavior could be regulated by means of specific morphological reorganizations of MN at the level of their individual dendrites by the principle of feedback or feedforward mechanisms.


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