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Relative quantitative distribution of all the associative and descending efferent fibers and the ultrastructural organization of the terminals of the parietal cortex areas 5 and 7 in the caudate (NC) and red nucleus (NR) in the cat were analyzed after a local, pointed destruction of the cortex of these areas. The maximal numbers of the associative fibers were found to project to the fundus areas of the motor cortex and to the area of Clare-Bishop; moderate projections were detected to the areas 31, 19 and single degenerating fibers were registered in the areas 1, 2, 3a, 3b, 30, and 23. The descending efferents were maximally projecting to NC, NR, reticular nuclei of the thalamus, midbrain, and pons, in all of which, according to the immunocytochemical studies, GABA-ergic terminals are prevalent. On the basis on the electron microscopical studies, it was suggested that the influence of the parietal cortex is mediated by the axo-spinal synapses of the medium shortaxonal spiny cells of the dorsolateral part of NC caput and by the axo-dendritic synapses of Golgi II cells of the parvocellular part of NR. On the basis of the maximal involvement of the fundus areas of the motor cortex, as well as of the inhibitory subcortical (NC) and stem nuclei (NR, reticular nuclei of the thalamus, midbrain, and nuclei pontis), it is suggested that these structures serve as the morphological substrates for the realization of the inhibitory, integrative function of the parietal cortex.


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