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The methods of anatomical preparation and X-ray examination were applied after the preliminary injection of blood vessels with the setting and radio-opaque masses, to study the variant anatomy of penile vascular bed. Organ complexes of minor pelvis and perineum, obtained from 54 cadavers of adult men, were used. It was found that the architecture and the places of the confluence of the main veins of penis are very variable. The trunks of the superficial and deep dorsal vein (DDV) may be single or double. Venous trunks tare connected by a network of anastomoses, more developed in the root of the penis. Valve apparatus in the anastomotic veins is presented only in 80% of the observations. Under normal conditions, the valves of the anastomotic veins provide the outflow of blood in DDV of the penis. The data obtained are of practical importance for understanding the anatomical causes of erectile dysfunction of venous origin.


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