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Electron microscopy was used to study the cellular composition of dog pancreatic islets. Four types of endocrine cells were detected: A, B, D and PP. Б cells were the predominant population within the islets. Differences in cellular organization of A and B cells were shown to be caused by the phases of the process of hormone synthesis. Insulin-containing secretory granules in B cells had a crystalloid structure, similar to that in B granules of insulin-containing cells in human pancreatic islets. In the exocrine portion of the pancreas, acino-insular cells were detected that simultaneously contained B granules and zymogen granules in their cytoplasm. It is suggested, that their presence is indicative of one of possible directions of pancreatic islet regeneration.


A Puzyrev

V Ivanova

S Kostyukevich

A Puzyryov

I.I. Mechnikov State Medical Academy

; I.I. Mechnikov State Medical Academy

V Ivanova

I.I. Mechnikov State Medical Academy

; I.I. Mechnikov State Medical Academy

S Kostyukevich

I.I. Mechnikov State Medical Academy

; I.I. Mechnikov State Medical Academy


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