Comparative morpho-functional characteristics of arterial blood vessels of different segments of human normal kidney



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The arterial blood vessels of 26 kidneys of people of both sexes at the first period of mature age were studied. Using Doppler renal investigation of superior segmental and anterior inferior segmental arteries in color duplex scan mode and multislice computed tomographic angiography, intravital investigation of 20 kidneys were performed. Corrosion casts of the renal vasculature of 6 kidneys, obtained at autopsy, were studied using scanning electron microscopy. It was shown that in kidneys with a single renal artery, anterior inferior and superior segments have a similar level of blood supply - when quantitative parameters of hemodynamics of these renal segments were compared, no significant differences were detected; in fact, no differences were found in the angioarchitectonics of anterior inferior and superior segments. In both segments, initial signs of age involution were found in the form of appearance of individual deformed glomeruli and some rarefaction of capillary network in the renal medulla.



Tbilisi State Medical University

Департамент нормальной анатомии человека; Тбилисский государственный медицинский университет; Tbilisi State Medical University


A.N. Natishvili Institute of Morphology

отделение клинической патологии; Институт морфологии им. А.Н. Натишвили; A.N. Natishvili Institute of Morphology


Georgian Academy of Sciences Institute of Medical Radiology, Tbilisi, Georgia

отделение ультразвуковой диагностики; Институт медицинской радиологии АН Грузии, г. Тбилиси; Georgian Academy of Sciences Institute of Medical Radiology, Tbilisi, Georgia


Georgian Academy of Sciences Institute of Medical Radiology, Tbilisi, Georgia

отделение компьютерной томографии; Институт медицинской радиологии АН Грузии, г. Тбилиси; Georgian Academy of Sciences Institute of Medical Radiology, Tbilisi, Georgia


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