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Biopsy specimens of the thymus were studied in children aged under 11 months (n=77) with congenital heart defects and circulatory hypoxia of varying severity. Histological sections were stained with hematoxylin-eosin and Shubich’s method (to demonstrate mast cells). The expression of Ki-67, CD3 and CD34 was assessed by immunohistochemistry. The ultrastructure of thymic tissues was also examined. It was found that the severity of hypoxia determined the morphological changes in the organ associated with a development of large complex of tissue reactions. A disruption of internal structure and a loss of integrity of epithelio-reticular cells and thymocytes were demonstrated in ultrathin sections. Thymocyte proliferation index (Ki-67) and thymocytopoiesis intensity (CD3+) were reduced in all the zones of the thymus. The degree of hypoxia affected the redistribution of CD3+ lymphocytes leading to their accumulation in the medulla. The processes of endogenous regeneration took place which involved the cells of fibroblastic line and progenitor cells (CD34+) together with active formation of new blood vessels. These findings suggest that the morphological changes identified in the tissues of the thymus are a manifestation of tissue adaptation to hypoxia of varying severity under conditions of endogenous regeneration, simultaneously reflecting the processes of substitution cytogenesis.

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About the authors

N. P. Loginova

Ye. A. Wagner Perm’ State Medical University

Department of Histology, Embryology, Cytology

V. A Chetvertnykh

Ye. A. Wagner Perm’ State Medical University

Department of Histology, Embryology, Cytology

N. V. Chemurziyeva

Ye. A. Wagner Perm’ State Medical University

Department of Histology, Embryology, Cytology


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