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This work describes morpho-functional organization of the hypothalamic ventromedial nucleus (VMN) in rats of different age with streptozotocin-induced diabetes mellitus (DM). On day 7 of experimental DM, the development of a stress reaction was observed in 3-month-old animals, which was characterized by the ultrastructural signs of increased functional activity of light neurosecretory cells (NSC) of the VMN. Meanwhile, NSC of the VMN of 24-month-old animals remained intact. These changes in the VMN of 3-month-old animals with DM mellitus are probably related to much higher levels of glucose. On day 28 of experimental DM, the decrease in NSC numbers in the VMN was observed in the animals of both age groups because of apoptosis and hydropic degeneration. Such changes were accompanied by the deterioration in NSC trophism due to the development of the initial stages of diabetic microangiopathy and destructive changes in glial cells.

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About the authors

O. Ya. Zhurakovskaya

Ivano-Frankovsk National Medical University



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