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Using general histological and morphometric methods, the peculiarities of spermatogenic epithelium were studied in the offspring of female rats with chronic alcohol intoxication, which was created before the onset of pregnancy by substitution of the drinking water by 15% solution of ethyl alcohol for the period of 3 months. Total number of animals was equal to 62 rat pups which were studied at postnatal days 15, 30 and 45, including 32 rats of the intact group (10 litters) and 30 pups of the experimental group (8 litters). It was found that in the offspring of female rats with chronic alcohol intoxication, the inhibition of the processes of spermatogenesis took place, as reflected by the reduction in the area of the convoluted seminiferous tubules (CST), decrease in the number of spermatogenic cells of the seminiferous layer, increase in the proportion of CST with desquamated epithelium and giant spermatogenic cells, as well as by the reduction of spermatogenic index, which reflects the average number of layers of spermatogenic cells in each CST.

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About the authors

M. L. Sizonenko

Chelyabinsk State Medical Academy


G. V. Briukhin

Chelyabinsk State Medical Academy

D. S. Las’kov

Chelyabinsk State Medical Academy



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