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The paper presents the data on variant and individual anatomy of the maxillary sinus in 400 men and women of the I and II periods of adulthood obtained using by computer tomography with 3D function. It was found that in the I period of adulthood, 12.5% of individuals had the bony septa in the alveolar recess of the maxillary sinus which were oriented frontally — Underwood’s septa. Individuals of the II period of adulthood had this septa in 20% of cases. Also in the second age group, 7.2% of the cases demonstrated the septa which are oriented sagittally. These structures were often associated with the bony canal of the infraorbital nerve. The detected variants of individual variability of the maxillary sinus have both theoretical and practical importance. In particular, during the planning of micromaxillotomy (through the endonasal access or fossa canina), the presence of bone septa, their location and the course of the infraorbital nerve canal should be taken into account.

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About the authors

D. A. Shcherbakov

Ufa All-Russian Center of Eye and Plastic Surgery



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