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Regression analysis was performed to detect the relationship between the changes in the histological structures of the brain (neurons, glial cells and microvessels) and the degree of ethanol poisoning (according to the data of alcohol concentration in the blood and urine). The material was obtained from 40 bodies of men and women aged between 20- 81 years. It was shown that the reduction of the diameter of microvessels in the cerebral and cerebellar hemisphere cortex and its increase in the white matter, together with the increased number of blood vessels with the stasis, of astrocytes demonstrating cytoplasmic granularity and of various signs of brain edema, as well as the reduction in the number of processes of astrocytes and the stainability of red blood cells in the zone of stasis with glycine cresyl red, correlated with the root mean square ethanol concentration (RMSEC) in the blood and urine. These results give the opportunity to assess this index during the histological examination of the brain. On the contrary, knowing RMSEC, it is possible to evaluate the presence of certain histological changes in the brain.

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About the authors

K. I. Panchenko

Yaroslavl’ State Medical Academy

Department of Pathological Anatomy with the Course of Forensic Medicine and Medical Law; Institute of Postgraduate Education

A. K. Panchenko

Yaroslavl’ State Medical Academy

Department of Pathological Anatomy with the Course of Forensic Medicine and Medical Law; Institute of Postgraduate Education

D. V. Sukhov

Yaroslavl’ State Medical Academy

Department of Pathological Anatomy with the Course of Forensic Medicine and Medical Law; Institute of Postgraduate Education


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