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In recent years, there has been a steady increase of interest in various aspects of the organization and functioning of microglia. However, the information on modern immunocytochemical methods of its identification is ambiguous and requires systematization. In the present paper. the main attention is focused on microglial markers - the proteins (Iba-1, CD11b, CD68, HLA-DR, and some others) expressed by normal microgliocytes and those activated by the effects of damaging factors. Characterization of markers and methods of microglia immunocytochemical labeling is combined with an analysis of the data concerning the origin and structural organization of microgliocytes.

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About the authors

D. E. Korzhevskiy

RAS North-Western Branch Institute of Experimental Medicine

Email: iemmorphol@yandex.ru
Laboratory of the Functional Morphology of the Central and Peripheral Nervous System, Department of General and Special Morphology

O. V. Kirik

RAS North-Western Branch Institute of Experimental Medicine

Laboratory of the Functional Morphology of the Central and Peripheral Nervous System, Department of General and Special Morphology


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