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The work was performed on Wistar rats, which were divided into 3 groups: 1st group - experimental rats subjected to hypoxia and treated with salifen (15 mg/kg for 14 days), 2nd group - control rats exposed to hypoxia only without treatment, and 3rd group - intact animals (8-10 animals in each group). Using the methods of light and electron microscopy, the effect of salifen on the structural characteristics of the elements of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) in the neocortex was studied in rats after exposure to hypoxia in the early postnatal period - on postnatal Day 2 (model of human preterm pregnancy). The results showed that salifen had a positive effect on the state of the microvasculature after perinatal hypoxia, in particular, on the state of endothelial cells. Its active participation in the compensatory-adaptive reactions of the BBB in response to hypoxia exposure was detected, and the prospects of further studies of the protective properties of salifen are emphasized

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About the authors

V. A. Otellin

I. P.Pavlov Institute of Physiology

Laboratory of the Nervous System Ontogenesis

L. I. Khozhai

I. P.Pavlov Institute of Physiology

Laboratory of the Nervous System Ontogenesis

I. N. Tyurenkov

Volgograd State Medical University

Department of Pharmacology


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