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Morphometric characteristics of a palato-alveolar complex were studied in the skulls of 150 adult individuals with various shapes of a facial and cerebral skull. No statistically significant differences in the parameters of a palato-alveolar complex were established between the groups systematized by the value of their transverse-longitudinal index of the brain skull. However, the significant differences were found between the groups of skulls, selected by the value of upper facial index. Thus, the width of the palate at the level of canines, premolars and molars, the width of the alveolar arc at the same levels and the distances between greater palatine foramena were significantly higher in the group of euriprosops. Using Pearson linear correlation, a positive correlation of various degrees was shown between the parameters of a cerebral and facial skull and the sizes of a palato-alveolar complex. The dependence between the shape of the facial skull and the form of a palato-alveolar complex was also noted. Parameters characterizing the position of greater palatine foramen relative to other anatomical structures were found to have low variability.

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About the authors

M. G. Gaivoronskaya

St.Petersburg State University

Department of Morphology

I. V. Gaivoronskiy

S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy

Department of Normal Anatomy

A. A. Semyonova

St.Petersburg State University

Department of Morphology


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