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Using light, electron microscopy and cytochemistry, the early (embryonic week 4-8) stages of adrenal gland (AG) development were studied in domestic pig. The interrelations between the cells of the fetal cortex (FC) and chromaffin cells (CC) were traced. At week 5, AG primordium is represented by FC, which consists of the epithelioid cells, with the ingrowing neural cords containing CC islets. Starting at the early embryonic period and up to fetal period, CC and interrenal cells of FC are closely interrelated with each other and sinusoidal capillaries. Both cellular types are at different stages of differentiation, including the functionally active elements. At weeks 7-8, FC cells undergo involution, while those ones, left at periphery, form definitive cortex. CC are located in the central part of the organ and form suprarenal tissue. Authors hypothesize, that CC, migrating into AG primordium, initially induce the development of interrenal primordium, and later cause the involution of FC. This, possibly, may be explained by the fact that further antenatal and postnatal development of the organism requires more corticosteroids than the amount produced by FC.

About the authors


St. Petersburg State Academy of Veterinary Medicine ,Dagestan Agricultural Academy, Makhachkala

St. Petersburg State Academy of Veterinary Medicine ,Dagestan Agricultural Academy, Makhachkala


St. Petersburg State Academy of Veterinary Medicine ,Dagestan Agricultural Academy, Makhachkala

St. Petersburg State Academy of Veterinary Medicine ,Dagestan Agricultural Academy, Makhachkala


St. Petersburg State Academy of Veterinary Medicine, Dagestan Agricultural Academy, Makhachkala

St. Petersburg State Academy of Veterinary Medicine, Dagestan Agricultural Academy, Makhachkala


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