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The goal of this work was to study the quantitative characteristics and the ultrastructural changes of thyroid gland follicular epithelium in the model of chronic endotoxicosis in rats. Endotoxicosis was induced by a combined peroral administration of tetrachlorinated methane and S. typhimurium bacterial lipopolysaccharide as the cycles of up to 90 days duration. The ultrastructural changes were demonstrated, that were dependent upon the endotoxicosis duration and affected all the intracellular compartments. The increased synthetic activity of rough endoplasmic reticulum together with the decreased number of vesicles and colloid deficit were indicative of the disruption of thyroid hormone synthesis. The mosaic pattern of the areas of functional hyperactivity and exhaustion in follicular cells during chronic endotoxicosis is the ultrastructural reflection of disorders of synthetic processes.

About the authors

S A Kalashnikova

Email: svetelina@tele-kom.ru

I M Kuznetsov

A Ya Pocheptsov

L V Polyakova

V V Novochadov

S A Kalashnikova

Volgograd State Medical University

; Volgograd State Medical University

I M Kuznetsov

Volgograd RAMS Scientific Center

; Volgograd RAMS Scientific Center

A Ya Pocheptsov

Volgograd State Medical University

; Volgograd State Medical University

L V Polyakova

Volgograd State Medical University

; Volgograd State Medical University

V V Novochadov

Volgograd RAMS Scientific Center

; Volgograd RAMS Scientific Center


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