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In this study, 232 girls aged 16-20 years were examined using a program including the measurements of 29 anthropometric body parameters, determination of a somatotype, estimation of structural, metabolic and regulatory characteristics of the blood cells (lymphocytes and neutrophilic granulocytes) during the period between the examinations and under the condition of examination stress. The differences of morpho-functional characteristics of blood cells were detected between the representatives of extreme variants of physical development. In the girls with high body fat content, high activity of succinate dehydrogenase, low content of not readily oxidizable phospholipids in lymphocyte membrane at rest were detected together with low levels of class А and E immunoglobulins in blood serum. Under stress conditions, a significant reduction of the activities of energy metabolism enzymes and an increase of the hydrolase activities were found. In girls with poorly developed body fat component, the cells are characterized by component are characterized by greater inertness of the intracellulat enzymes at rest and their stability in stress.

About the authors

T V Kazakova

V G Nikolaev

T V Kazakova

Krasnoyarsk State Medical Academy

; Krasnoyarsk State Medical Academy

V G Nikolayev

Krasnoyarsk State Medical Academy

; Krasnoyarsk State Medical Academy


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