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This investigation was aimed at the complex evaluation of the reactivity mechanisms of bronchial smooth muscle tissue (SMT)
in experimental bronchial spasm. Morphometric, cytospectrophotometric
and electron microscopical analysis demonstrated
the presence of three types of smooth muscle cells (SMC) within
the bronchial SMT (small, medium, large), that differed in their
linear and metabolic parameters. The findings of this study indicate
that under the conditions of experimental bronchial spasm
development, the ratios of SMC in bronchial SMT are changed
with the increase in proportion of small SMC and the elimination
of large SMC. In the dynamics of experimental bronchial spasm
development, the activation of cytoplasmic synthesis as well as of DNA synthesis was detected mainly in group of small SMC.
The reactive-dystrophic changes were marked at the subcellular
level, that were most often identified in large SMC resulting in their elimination from population in the dynamics of an experiment.
The data obtained suggest that one of the important mechanisms
of airway SMT adaptation to the bronchial spasm development
is a dynamic reorganization of SMC population.

About the authors

A L Zashikhin


Yu V Agafonov

A O Barmina


A L Zashikhin

NorthernState Medical University

NorthernState Medical University

Yu V Agafonov

NorthernState Medical University

NorthernState Medical University

A O Barmina

NorthernState Medical University

NorthernState Medical University


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