Morpho-functional transformations of physical development of the indigenous boys of Russia's North-East during pubescence

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Aboriginal boys of Chukotka and North-Evenk district of Magadan region aged 10-17 years were studied in 2004-2007 to characterize major and detailed indices of physical development and to evaluate the puberty stages (PS) according to J. Tanner. The body proportions and component content were found to depend on the region of habitation, degree of mestization and social conditions. Chukotka aboriginal boys were characterized by an increased body fat mass during the puberal period and a longitudinal body growth. In aboriginal boys of Russia's North-East in 2nd PS, the maximal increment was found in the indices of pelvic and shoulder width. In 3rd PS, the maximal increment was found in body mass, muscle and bone components, body length, body surface area, chest circumference, while the maximal increment in body fat mass was detected in 4th PS. Transformation of the increments of body parts and body mass components during the pubescence forms an adaptive type in an aboriginal, with the maximal changes at the stage of gonadal maturation, while the metabolic processes and mestization influence the formation of body proportions and components.

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RAS Tiumen Scientific Center

; RAS Tiumen Scientific Center


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