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Foot structural and functional peculiarities after cyclic centrifugal
physical loads in sports runners were studied. The work
demonstrates the results of computer morphometry of 120 athlete
runners (50 boys and 70 girls) aged 15-17 years - the students
of Volgograd School of Olympic Reserve and Volgograd State
Academy of Physical Education. Cyclic centrifugal loads of shock-type (long run on an inclined plane) resulted in significant
reduction of the foot arch hight. In female runners, the reduction
was found mainly in the longitudinal foot arch, while in male
runners it was detected in transverse foot arch. Two basic types of foot arch reaction to prolonged cyclic loads were detected. This
allowed us, for the first time, to divide the static flat-footedness
into two major categpries: compensated, or dynamic, and true. In compensated static flat-footedness, the structural and functional
foot parameters returned to their initial levels after the rehabilitation, while in true flat-footedness the complex rehabilitation
measures could not restore the initial morpho-functional parameters: foot arches remained reduced.

About the authors

M P Lagutin

R P Samusev

M P Lagutin

Volgograd State Academy of PhysicalEdu cation

Volgograd State Academy of PhysicalEdu cation

R P Samusev

Volgograd State Academy of PhysicalEdu cation

Volgograd State Academy of PhysicalEdu cation


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