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The aim of the present investigation was to detect the regularities of postnatal development of «motor end-plate-muscle fiber (MF)-vascular network» system in different calf muscles of intact albino rats. Gastrocnemius, plantaris and soleus muscles were studied in 72 albino rats aged from 14 to 180 days. Identification of MF type was performed on the basis of succinate dehydrogenase and NADH-diaphorase activity. Cholinesterase activity of the neuro-muscular synapse (NMS) and alkaline phosphatase activity in the vascular endothelium were demonstrated using a combined histochemical method. The diameter of vascular network and the number of enzyme-active zones (EAZ) per one MF were the earliest parameters to be stabilized (before day 30). Histochemical profile of skeletal muscle was stabilized by the end of day 60. Dynamics of MF diameter and EAZ in NMS, vessel diameter and numbers per one MF is characterized by the periods of active changes (days 14-30), decrease (days 30-60) and stabilization (after day 60) of variance rate. The association between the level of oxidative metabolism and MF diameter was demonstrated.


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