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Experimental chronic laryngitis (ECL) was induced in 34 adult male rabbits by placement of fosta nylon thread into their trachea. Changes in the laryngeal mucous membrane in ECL were studied at days 30-90 using histological, histochemical and morphometric methods. ECL resulted in the thickening of both the epithelium and lamina propria of the laryngeal mucous membrane. In the ECL dynamics, the thickness of stratified squamous epithelium was increased insignificantly, however, it demonstrated the stimulation of the focal hyperplastic processes. Lamina propria, underlying this epithelium, was found to become thicker throughout the whole experiment (days 30-90). At the same time, progressive growth of the thickness of both pseudostratified ciliated epithelium and the lamina propria beneath was observed. This was accompanied by the hyperplasia of laryngeal endocrine cells and the increase of their secretory activity.


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