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The fine structure of rodlet cells from pronephros of Cobitis taenia (L.), mesonephros of Tinca tinca (L.), Rutilus rutilus (L.), Stizostedion volgense (Gmelin), Stizostedion lucioperca (L.), Perca fluviatilis (L.), Trachurus mediterraneus (Staindachner) and Diplodus annularis (L.) was studied. In the organs examined, cells at developmental stages III, IV and V were detected. It is shown, that the rodlet cells have the structural organization similar to that described in different organs of fish studied earlier, which was independent on the species habitat. The typical features of the rodlet cells are the presence of large granules with the rod-like core. A portion of the cells had a broad fibrillar sheath. Secretory product was released according to the apocrine type. Interspecies differences were found between the morphometric parameters of the cells and theirs subcellular structures.

About the authors

E A Nazarova


Ye A Nazarova


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