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Glutamate receptors in the central nervous system play a significant role in the mechanisms of differential adaptation to the environmental conditions. However, structural and functional parameters of kainate receptors (KR) under normal conditions and during exposure to stress are not well characterized. Therefore, the aim of this research was to 1) study the distribution and the quantity of KR GluR 5/6/7 subunits; 2) examine their changes in the pyramidal cell layer of the hippocampus in rat strains with have genetically determined distinctions in the levels of nervous system excitability following the exposure to short-term emotional-painful stress; 3) estimate the sensitivity of hippocampal pyramidal neurons to the action of KR agonist - kainic acid. It was demonstrated that GluR 5/6/7 KR are localized mainly in the region of hippocampal CA2 area; in the animals with low excitability their quantity was greater than in those with high excitability. Short-term emotional-painful stress resulted in the increase of KR in hippocampal CA2 area only in highly excitable rats. Selective sensitivity of pyramidal neurons in different hippocampal fields to the action of kainic acid was demonstrated and it was found to depend on animal strain characteristics of of the nervous system excitability.


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