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Lung holotopy, skeletotopy and syntopy were studied in 70 human fetuses at developmental weeks 16-24 with N. I. Pirogov method, macro-microscopical preparation and using histotopographical sections in three imutually perpendicular planes. It was found that during weeks 16–18, the apex of the left lung was located posteriorly at the level of I intercostal space, at weeks 22–24 — at the level of lower surface of I rib. At the right side, the apex was located at the level of upper surface of I rib during the whole period. The lower margin of the right lung was located at the level of IV rib during the whole period, while that of the left lung was detected at the level of III rib only during the beginning of the period. In the early fetal period, the projection of the root of the right lung extended from the lower margin of TIII vertebral body toTVI, while that one of the left lung was located at the level of the upper margins of TIV–TVII vertebral bodies. In the late period, these projections were found at the level of TIV (upper vertebral margin) — TVII (lower vertebral margin), and TIV (lower vertebral margin) — TVIII (upper vertebral margin) respectively. Intraorgan bronchi and pulmonary vessels were most clearly visualized in horizontal sections at TIII–TIХ levels. The results obtained should be taken into account when carrying out of diagnostic ultrasound and magnetic resonance studies of the fetus and surgical interventions on fetuses.

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About the authors

L. M. Zheleznov

Orenburg State Medical Academy


S. M. Shcherbakov

Orenburg State Medical Academy


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