Morphologic characteristic of lipid-containing and lipid-producing structures of human integument under normal conditions and in death caused by freezing

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This investigation was aimed at the study of lipid-containing and lipid-producing structures of human integument under normal conditions and in death caused by freezing. The skin of interscapular and epigastral areas was studied in 105 cadavers of individuals of both sexes aged 19-83 years, who died as a result of freezing. In the control group, the skin of 10 cadavers of people killed in the car accidents and those who died by the reasons, not associated with the effect of cold, was studied. Paraffin sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. To demonstrate lipids, unfixed cryostat sections were stained with sudan III. The following structures are producing the skin lipids: fat cells of adipose tissue, which is localized not only in subcutaneous fat tissue (hypodermis), but forms the pads, that surround the vascular networks, secretory portions of the gland, hair follicles; keratinocytes, producing lipids as a result of terminal differentiation;a sebaceous glands containing cells (sebocytes) which transform into the sebum as a result of holocrine secretion. The lipids produced by this structures are localized either in situ or are transported to the epidermal surface. Lipid-containing structures of the skin are stratum corneum and a superficial lipid film, which is formed from the secretion of the sebaceous glands - sebum. In people who died as a result of general cooling, the content and distribution of lipids in the skin are significantly changed. In the adipose tissue, the adipocyte dimensions and number is decreased, cells without lipids are found. The thickness of the superficial lipid film was decreased as compared to that in the control group; in some areas it could be absent. In the orifices of hair follicles significant amounts of lipids are deposited.

About the authors


Vitebsk State Medical Academy; Vitebsk District Administration of The State Medical Forensic Expertise Service

Кафедра гистологии, цитологии и эмбриологии; Витебский государственный медицинский университет, Управление по Витебской области государственной службы медицинских судебных экспертиз; Vitebsk State Medical Academy; Vitebsk District Administration of The State Medical Forensic Expertise Service


Vitebsk State Medical Academy; Vitebsk District Administration of The State Medical Forensic Expertise Service

Кафедра гистологии, цитологии и эмбриологии; Витебский государственный медицинский университет, Управление по Витебской области государственной службы медицинских судебных экспертиз; Vitebsk State Medical Academy; Vitebsk District Administration of The State Medical Forensic Expertise Service


Vitebsk State Medical Academy; Vitebsk District Administration of The State Medical Forensic Expertise Service

Кафедра гистологии, цитологии и эмбриологии; Витебский государственный медицинский университет, Управление по Витебской области государственной службы медицинских судебных экспертиз; Vitebsk State Medical Academy; Vitebsk District Administration of The State Medical Forensic Expertise Service


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