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The diaphragm was taken from the corpses of 80 humans of both sexes of adult age and was studied using the complex of preparation, injection, morphometric and of variational-statistical methods. A significant anatomical variation of the left inferior phrenic veins was found, that was characterized by different variants of their confluence, and variation of their diameters. Five variants of the confluence of the left inferior phrenic veins were defined. It was shown that the variant of confluence of the left inferior phrenic veins into a single trunk fusing with the inferior vena cava was suitable for catheterization. Suitable for catheterization left inferior phrenic veins may be divided into freely catheterizable (diameter of 5 mm and more).and conditionally catheterizable (diameter less than 5 mm). When performing cardiac resynchronization therapy, the vein can be used as an alternative way (along with the coronary sinus of the heart) for transvenous delivery system of stimulation electrode. Variants of confluence of the left inferior phrenic vein in hepatic and adrenal veins were not suitable for catheterization.




Ye. Chaplygina

Rostov State Medical University

Department of Normal Anatomy

S. Mukanyan

Rostov State Medical University

Department of Normal Anatomy

O. Kaplunova

Rostov State Medical University

Department of Normal Anatomy


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