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Innervation of the pancreas (Pn) and duodenal (D) myenteric plexus were studied in newborn Wistar rats (n=4) using synaptophysin (Syn), protein gene product 9.5 (PGP 9.5), and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) as immunohistochemical markers. Close interconnection between the plexuses of these organs was traced. It was found that some of the elements of myenteric plexus of the D penetrated into the Pn tissue. Morphological and biochemical similarities between the miсroganglia of myenteric nervous plexus of the D and those of the Pn in newborn rats were confirmed. The majority of differentiating neurons and axon bundles of both plexuses were found to belong to the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. Catecholaminergic neurons were absent from the Pn, while sympathetic conductors were sparce and were involved primarily in the innervation of blood vessels. For the first time, using immunohistochemical reactions to PGP 9.5, Syn and TH, two types of nerve fibers were detected in Pn ganglia which had terminals that formed cholinergic and catecholaminergic synapses around nerve cell perikarya.




Ye. Chumasov

St. Petersburg Institute of Experimental Medicine; St. Petersburg State Academy of Veterinary Medicine


Ye. Petrova

St. Petersburg Institute of Experimental Medicine


D. Korzhevskiy

St. Petersburg State University



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