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Histological and biochemical changes of the liver were studied in 20 adult male albino rats after intragastric administration of sodium selenite at a dose of 5 mg/kg during 6 days. One half of the animals received orally the solution of glutathione biosynthetic precursors (GSP) for correction of the liver damage. The control group was formed by 10 intact animals. The administration of sodium selenite resulted in the disruption of liver histoarchitectonics, development of destructive processes in the cells of the periportal and the central zones of hepatic lobules. The outflow of lymph and bile from the hepatic lobules was compromised, leading to the development of edema and expansion of the portal tracts, intercellular spaces, with their subsequent infiltration with neutrophils and lympho-histiocytic elements. In the central veins, marked endothelial damage was noted, while in the sinusoids, a number of stellate macrophages was increased. The number of binucleated hepatocytes was decreased. Biochemical analysis demonstrated hypoxia, acidification of the tissues, intensification of free radical processes, depletion of glutathione stores and antioxidant system, excessive lipid peroxidation of membranous structures of hepatocytes. Administration GSP solution to rats lead to the decrease in the severity and extension of hepatocyte dystrophic changes, reduction in the extent of mononuclear cell infiltration and venous hyperemia of the liver, associated with the activation of its reparative regeneration. Thus, the replenishment of glutathione deficiency inhibited the phenomenon of hypoxia, decreased the degree of lipid peroxidation of liver membranous structures and reduced the severity of destructive processes developing in it.




O. Zayko

Russian University of People’s Friendship


O. Yakubenko

Omsk State Pedagogical University


V. Astashov

Russian University of People’s Friendship


A. Sindireva

Omsk State Agrarian University


S. Mozgovoy

Omsk State Medical University


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